esShanghai government announced its decision on Monday to lower social security premiumcontributed by companies by 2.5 percentage points, making it the seventh region to launchsimilar easing measures.
Such decision is expected to lighten corporate burden byes about 13.5 billion yuan ($2.1 billion)this year, according to a government announcement.
The city will slash the premium rate contributed by companies for mandatory pension by 1percentage point, medical also by 1 percentage point and unemployment insurance by 0.5percentage point, while maintaining the same leveles of social security benefits.
Five provinces, Guangdong, Yunnan, Gansu, Guizhou and Jiangsu, together with Tianjinmunicipality, have reduced the social security premium on companies' behalf, in a drive to boostreal economy.
Guangdong province cut the premiumes rate for unemployment, medical and working injuryinsurances, saving corporate expenditures by 35 billion yuan ($5.39 billion).
According to a government guidance released last month, Tianjin will lower companies'contribution to social insurances by a combined 1.43 percentage points.
esChongqing municipality and Qinghai province are planning to be the next two, reported the 21thCentury Business Herald, as the regions have brought up such cuts on agenda as part of thesupply-side reform.
Shanxi, Hunan and Shandong provinces arees studying to combine the medical insurance andmaternity insurance, and will likely launch the guideline later this year, said the newspaper.
Maternity and medical insurance premium currently total 8 to 10 percent of monthly salary, and bycombining the two, the premium will be lowered modestly, Qies Chuanjun, deputy secretary generalof the center for international social security studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,told the newspaper.
The move comes in response to a general cry for easing corporate burden by governmentofficials and scholars, as Chinese employers are reportedly burdenedes with one of the highestsocial security obligation in the world.
Total payment, including pension fund, medical insurance and housing provident fund, amounts to44.1 percent of an employee's monthly salary.
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