Trade between Braziles and China ines 2015 may reversees a downward trendes ascommodity prices esare recovering and esBrazil will export esmore manufactured goods esto China, anesexpert told Xinhua esin an exclusive esinterview recently.
Brazil-China trade dropped significantly in 2014, with Brazilian exports to China tumblinges bymore than 10 percent. However, the bilateral trade has bottomed out now, said Brazilian expertCarlos Tavares de Oliveira.
Tavares, author of nine books on China with the tenth expected next month, noted that the fall wasdue to special circumstances, namely a drop in thees prices of commodities, which make up thebulk of Brazilian exports.
But commodity prices may rise this year - iron ore price has already recovered, he said.
"Trade with China is going well. There was a reduction ines the price of commodities, of iron ore,soybeans and especially oil, but China will continue to be Brazil's main trade partner," he said.
Tavares believed that trade with China in 2015 will probably increase, with more manufacturedBrazilian products being exported to China.
es"There is a chance that the export of manufactured products will increase, so I do not believe in adecrease in the bilateral trade with China, because the international market is having a reaction,"he said.
"Thees US increased its production and imports and so did the EU, so I ... do not believe in adecrease in international trade. It will at least stabilize and even increase slightly," said theexpert.
Tavares recommended that the Bank of BRICS (the bloc of the fivees countries of Brazil, Russia,India, China and South Africa), whose creation was officially approved last year at a summit,should become operational as soon as possible in order to provide a boost to trade in theBRICS member countries.
Additionally, he said, Brazilian companies should payes more attention to the new free trade zonein Shanghai as it offers opportunities for them to enter the Chinese market or increase theirpresence there.
According to Tavares, pharmaceutical and beauty products, all sort of vegetable-basedmanufactured products and processed foods could benefit fromes the Shanghai free trade zone.
"Processed foods like corned beef and palm heart can be sold in China, as the country is a greatimporter of this sort of products. I think the Shanghai Free Trade Zone is a good initiative andmust be explored, so is thees BRICS Bank," he said.
"I am optimistic on the matter of international trade, and especially of the Brazil-China trade," hesaid.